Sensei’s Corner
Message from the Sensei
The year has almost come to an end, a year with great achievements by the Tiger family, but also a few low’s. A few of our senior black belts had to say goodbye due to work related issues and we wish them al the best for their future. In March, a few of our students took part in the WUKF Nationals hosted in PE. Taking into consideration that this was our first encounter with WUKF, the students did very well. We are planning to send a bigger and stronger team in 2024 and thus make WUKF realize who Shorinkan is. The Tiger Tournament in August was again, a huge success and with 220 entries, one of the bigger tournaments on the calendar. From my side I want to thank every student for their effort and competitiveness and also thank you to each and every official and parent who helped making this another one to remember!!
In October, the Gauteng region held the Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan National Championship in Pretoria. This was held over two days and was once again, a Tournament of note. The Tigers did exceptionally well with 49 gold, 36 silver and 35 bronze medals. The Tigers also won the following open floating trophies:
Male kumite: Nidan Ryno Vosloo
Male weapons: Nidan Ryno Vosloo
Male unison: Sensei Nico Basson, Nidan Ryno Vosloo, Shodan Charl-Francois Marais
Sensei Anome Coetzee did exceptionally well and took gold medals in all her divisions, as well as the following floating open trophies:
Female Kumite
Female Kata
Female Weapons
Female Unison, with Nidan Lana Vosloo and Shodan Johalise Stolz in the team.
We are already making arrangements to travel to PE next year to be part of the 30th anniversary festivities.
All that is left for this year is our Kyu grading on Nov. 4, our black belt grading on Nov. 18 and then our awards evening on Nov. 25. I would also like to wish the following people good luck with their preparation for the black belt grading:
Sensei Anome Coetzee grading for Yondan (4th dan)
Shodan Charl Marais grading for Nidan (2nd dan)
Justin Goosen grading for Shodan (1st dan)
I know that you will do us proud on the day.
With this then, I want to wish all our students and parents the very best for the rest of the year, a very Merry Christmas and an extraordinary 2024!!
May our Lord be with us all during these festive periods.